Upcoming Events

  1. US ARMY TAMPA Recruiting BN Recruiting Reserve Partnership Council 

    5002 W Waters Ave Tampa, FL 33634 United States

    Providing 12 pizzas, 80 waters and dessert for 60-80 active military with the intent of this event is to improve communication and synchronize recruiting efforts between the USAREC elements, supported USAR units and Army Reserve Career Division.

    Mar 28th, 2025 9:00 AM EDT ( 900Q)

  2. MacDill Youth Center Easter Eggstravaganza 

    Providing 10 volunteers for over 1000 participants to assist with hiding eggs, cake walk, face painting and at the craft table for this annual event to for the youth of MacDill AFB.

    Apr 12th, 2025 10:00 AM EDT (1000Q)

  3. JCSE Bring You Child to Work Day 

    8532 Marina Bay Dr Tampa, FL 33621 United States

    240 Hot Dogs and 240 Hamburgers, 250 bags of chips and 4 platters of cookies for 450 participants (active military and family) for this morale building even that will prove to be educational as well as fun for the families.

    Apr 24th, 2025 10:00 AM EDT (1000Q)

  4. SAPR Dorm Rush 

    Providing 80 Hot Dogs & Buns as well as 120 Hamburgers & buns, 150 bags of chips 160 waters and 2 platters of cookies for approx. 200 active duty military members to bring Sexual Assault Prevention and Response awareness to those who live in…

    Apr 29th, 2025 10:00 AM EDT (1000Q)

  5. SOF Week 

    333 Franklin St. Tampa, FL 33602 United States

    Representation of the USO at the 3 day SOF event handing out snacks, candy and provide information on how to become a volunteer and what you do as a volunteer. Also a chance to let people know who we are as an organization and what we do and who we…

    May 6th, 2025 10:00 AM EDT (1000Q)

About this Location

Welcome to our center! Our Mission is “To strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America’s military and their families.”

All guests must present their valid military ID prior to signing into the center on our iPad! (Including spouses and dependent children)

Enjoy your stay. All dependents under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult during their visit to our USO center.

Baggage may be stored in our baggage area while you are present in the center, all guests must take their personal belongings and luggage with them when they leave the center.

Interested in more information about speaking engagements, ways to support or monetary and In-kind donations Contact Executive Director Aaron Bowman, abowman@uso.org

Interested in more information about our center, volunteering, or donations? Contact Center Operations Specialist: Angela Bacca or Tim Baude (813)676-4311 abacca@uso.org or tbaude@uso.org

We look forward to serving you and your family.

Amenities at this Location

Food & Beverages
  • Beverages
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Snacks
  • CAC Readers
  • Computers & Laptops
  • Phones
  • Printers
  • Wi-Fi
Multimedia & Gaming
  • TV & Cable
Rest & Relaxation
  • Lounge
  • Sleeping & Quiet Area
  • Toiletries
Services & Information
  • Flight Time Boards
  • Local Information
  • Transportation Information
  • Administrative Office

Programs at this Location

Related Stories
