Families of the Fallen
The USO is committed to supporting the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. As family notifications occur at all times of the day and night, USO Florida is available 24/7 to work with airport security officials, airlines and vehicle companies to help family members traveling to a dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base or the funeral of a service member killed in action. The USO also provides assistance to the escort of a fallen hero’s remains to their final destination.
More Programs
USO Transitions
The USO Transition Program extends the USO experience to active duty, Reserve, National Guard and military spouses by offering professional…
Request USO Support
If you are a unit commander or POC and would like to request support from the USO, please complete on of the following forms based on your …
USO Reading
This program is largely driven by virtual, on-demand story time offerings that will help the USO extend its reach and connect military fami…
Deployment Send-Offs
When service members are traveling to a deployed location, the USO can provide a memorable send-off. From hosting troops and their families…
Information Services
So it’s happened again. You’re the new kid on the block. Sounds like you could use a helping hand and a friendly ear. We’ve got both!
Morale Events
When troops are looking for special event support, from family days to team-building activities or movie nights to fishing charters, the US…
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Salute to Service Suite
Through a partnership with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the Salute to Service Suite has provided an exclusive game day experience for hundreds…
Holiday Celebrations
No one likes being away from family, friends, and traditions for major holidays. That’s why we try to make it easier through special events…